Without community partners like you Beckley Pride would not be able to accomplish our mission. We create and maintain safe spaces for ALL in Southern West Virginia, connect LGBTQIA+ folx to valuable resources including affirming healthcare, host free educational opportunities to the public, and provide support to those who need it most. This work is relentless and so are WE! This is our work of HEART! Whether you make a one time donation or sign up to donate monthly we appreciate every cent you can spare. From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU
Donations go towards upcoming events, such as the 2023 Beckley Pride.
Donations will also be used to purchase supplies for Board use, such as computers or printers, postage, yearly insurance, licensing fees, costs for things like post office boxes, facility rentals for events, etc.
If you would like to make a one-time or monthly monetary donation via PayPal, you can do so by clicking here.
You can also make a donation by scanning the QR Code below:

Beckley Pride is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Your donation to Beckley Pride is tax deductible.